Who I am

My name is Laura Riccioni Pilgaard. I am Italian, married to a Danish citizen and have three children. I have lived in Denmark for 5 years.

Graduated from Cattolica in Milan in Modern Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures, I’ve been teaching Italian to foreigners since 1986. I live in Samarate (VA). I adapt my teaching method to the needs of the student with whom I always have a good relationship, given my sunny and sociable nature. I am also available to teach remotely, on Google Meet platform.

I like teaching, I like relating to others, I find it important to put my talents at the service of others. I think I was born with a vocation for teaching. The students are always happy with me and there is an open dialogue between me and them because it is important to listen to others and meet their needs. As a professional, I prepare the lessons following a schedule to get to the goal. I'm sure you will be happy with me!


My certifications and experiences

Higher Diploma: scientific high school diploma

Specialist Degree: Four-year degree in Modern Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures (old system) at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan.

Other qualification: CAE certification (Cambridge Advanced English Certificate)

Various extended stays abroad, in England, Wales, USA and Denmark.

Other professional experiences:

Commercial use of Italian and English language in various companies.

Language teaching in both high school and middle school, teaching adults and companies, many years of experience in online language teaching.



In this period, I'm using the online class a lot through the Google Meet platform. The lesson is always built around the needs, age, and level of the student. In general, the lesson is divided into reading, listening, grammar and conversation modules, so we can start with a text from which we can deduce grammar rules and a topic to comment and talk about. My lessons are aimed at middle school, high school, university students but also adults. Furthermore, having worked for years in the commercial office, I can give lessons in Business Italian.


Italian courses

This is a course fitting the people living in Italy that wish to get the Italian citizenship!

Are you already working in Italy, maybe you arrived here many years ago, but you are still a foreigner for the Italian state and every now and then you have to prepare the documents for your residence permit?

The first step to become an Italian citizen is to obtain a certificate that declares that you can speak a good Italian: it can be a B1 CELI (Certificato di lingua italiana) or a B1 CILS (Certificazione di italiano  come lingua straniera).

In my courses you will be helped to pass the exams and achieve your certificate!

The exam consists of a test of listening, reading and writing: in my Italian courses we prepare the students for the various exam tests.

Italian is important if you want to work here in Italy. If you want to get a job in Italy you have to be able to communicate with your colleagues and your employer, you have to understand the orders and fulfill them.

Learning Italian means having the opportunity to grow and revolutionize yourself, you don’t have to ask your husband or your child to translate for you!

In addition, you will have a unique sense of satisfaction: from the first words to the first conversation, to the first reading of a book in Italian.

Finally, you will rediscover that you are capable of fully understanding a different culture and that you can even compare it to your own.



And why should the people from other countries start learning Italian?

  • For tourism
  • For love of art
  • For love of music and opera
  • To find a job in Italy or work with an Italian company
  • For the love of food and wine
  • For the beauty of the language


Corsi di italiano

Questo è un corso adatto alle persone che vivono in Italia e desiderano ottenere la cittadinanza italiana!

Lavori già in Italia, magari sei arrivato qui tanti anni fa, ma sei ancora straniero per lo stato italiano e ogni tanto devi preparare i documenti per il permesso di soggiorno?

Il primo passo per diventare cittadino italiano è ottenere un certificato che attesti che sai parlare bene l'italiano: può essere un B1 CELI (Certificato di lingua italiana) o un B1 CILS (Certificato di italiano come lingua straniera).

Nei miei corsi sarai aiutato a superare gli esami e a conseguire il tuo certificato!

L’esame consiste in una prova di ascolto, lettura e scrittura: nei miei corsi di italiano prepariamo gli studenti alle diverse prove d'esame.

Anche se non sei interessato ad ottenere la cittadinanza, l'italiano è importantissimo se vuoi lavorare qui in Italia. Se vuoi ottenere un lavoro in questo paese devi essere in grado di comunicare con i tuoi colleghi e il tuo datore di lavoro, devi capire le commesse e svolgerle.

Imparare l'italiano significa inoltre avere la possibilità di crescere e rivoluzionarsi, non devi chiedere a tuo marito o a tuo figlio di tradurre per te!

Inoltre, proverai un senso di soddisfazione unico: dalle prime parole alla prima conversazione, alla prima lettura di un libro in italiano.

Infine, riscoprirai di essere in grado di comprendere appieno una cultura diversa e di poterla persino confrontare con la tua.

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